Thursday, February 24, 2011

My first time at Ski School!

Well, for some reason I thought it would be a really good idea to try skiing.  I had no idea of the obstacles in front of me! The entire time while I was at ski school I was thinking, "What was I thinking!"  Don't get me wrong I am really glad I did, I just had no idea how difficult skiing was and scary it would be for the first time.  I learned some very important lessons:

1.  There are two ways to stop when skiing: One way is to fall and I am really good at this one!  I am not sure about the other way......

2.  You must take baby steps when taking up a new sport.  However, even the 4 and 5 year-old babies were skiing better than I was!

3. And oh yea, I am afraid of heights!  I should have though about this BEFORE I rode the ski lift.  But, I do not regret it!  I saw the snow caped Alps! (Needless to say I did not dare try skiing down the mountain from the very top.  I just took pictures.)

4.  When I researched what I should pack for skiing,  I saw on one website to pack Motrin.  I did not understand this until I fell a couple of times.  

5.  After all of this I found I really do like skiing.  I just need to go to Ski School about one, two, three or four more times.

6. I have never been so exhausted after just 2 hours in my life!  But I assure you, it was worth it!

Here are the pictures from the Ski School and from the ski lift:

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