Thursday, February 24, 2011


So I had just arrived to Munich not too long ago and I was now going to London!  When we found that Hilary had an internship just outside of London and Daniel was going to London in February we booked the flight.  I was so excited to go to London, but more importantly I was excited to see my friends again.  It has been very difficult for me to make friends and get to people especially when I am not studying at a university where there are people my age.

So London was AMAZING!!!! (and the Fish and Chips!)

So on this trip me and Cayle flew to London to see Daniel and Hilary.  Me and Cayle managed to stay in a student dormitory where some of Hilary's friends were. This was a really quick trip so we could not waste time. Me and Cayle arrived on Friday night and we had to leave on Sunday morning so this was a "London in a day" kind of trip.  I think we almost saw everything and I was sooooo exhausted Saturday night!  This was a well worth it trip. 

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