Monday, January 17, 2011

Finland: Halloween and Thanksgiving

Me, Cayle, Cody and Madison did not have to skip our American holidays!  My mom sent me a package with plenty of candy, Halloween socks to give me friends and a small Halloween banner to get us in the spirit!  Cayle also made yummy sweet cupcakes.  Our friends from Russia, Germany, Spain and Austria got in the spirit and dressed up as well:

The characters included Pocahontas, Amy Winehouse, Brittany Spears, a vampire, Harry Potter and Thing One.

We were also fortunate to celebrate Thanksgiving.....several times.  At my flat, the Americans hosted Thanksgiving dinner for our friends.  Here was our menu:

  • Green bean casserole (which was a little...okay alot spicy because I added too much black pepper...what can I say, it was my first time making a casserole!)
  • Sweet Potato Casserole
  • Stuffing (it's not Thanksgiving without the stuffing and turkey!)
  • Turkey (thankfully, Hilary from Wisconsin was able to find the Turkey!)
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Chocolate Funfetti cake (Madison's mom sent the Pilsbury box mix and icing)
  • Apple Pie
  • Homemade rolls (we pretty much had to make everything from scatch because there were no "box" meals)

Cayle also had the creative idea of making paper turkeys.  She even had the little eyes that you glue on and different color feathers.  On the feathers everyone was able to write things they were thankful for.  All the exchange students were so excited about the Thanksgiving dinner because it was their FIRST Thanksgiving ever!  They really enjoyed it!  Everyone was so full, no one could move from the table or even laugh too hard.   Some of the Europeans said they had never felt so FULL!

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