Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Finland Part 2

Finland Part 2.......

The next fun/crazy/exciting Finnish event was the Student Initiation Day.  Can you believe we were even excused from most of our classes for this day?

The student initiation day is mainly to "induct" the new first year students to the school.  Every major has their own initiation day rituals. 

So in Finland the students all wear these jumpsuits to school on special events or parties.  Every major has a different color.  They also have these patches that they put on their jumpsuit for certain parties or events that they attend.

For the paper technology students the jumpsuit color is white.  So the first year students that did not have a jumpsuit had to where a white plastic trashbag over their clothes.  They then had to shout this chant (of course in Finnish).  From my understanding, the chant basically explained that Paper technology was better than all the other engineering programs (of course).

We then gathered with all the other TAMK student outside the school and we all received balloons and everyone showed off their cool costumes.

Then, about all 300 of us from TAMK paraded to the city center.  And then at the city center, there was more showing off of costumes.  This was my favorite group:

We then went to a near by park and it was like a Field day!  There was music and relay games and crazy costumes (yes more crazy costumes).

The Paper technology students then hosted a sauna party later that night.  It was a full fun day and I can assure you that I slept well that night!

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